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Katekyo Hitman Reborn Vol. 2 (JP):
Shinuki Study Sesh

The volume’s title is something along the lines of ‘all sorts (of weirdos) arrive’. Weirdo of the week format 😝 Although Irie isn’t much of a weirdo I guess. I actually forgot he existed. Shamal too. I wish I’d forgotten Haru existed. Or rather, I wish Haru didn’t exist fullstop… At least Kyoko is cute even if she is barely a character. Hibari’s hair looks longer than I rmb.

Now that I know about the weekly surveys and how they can influence the direction of a series, I wonder if the chapters with Lambo and Bianchi rated higher. They sure get a lot of page time. If I haaad to choose I’d say Lambo > Bianchi.


Target 8 – Familia Initiation Test

There are lots of explosions and Yamamoto marvels at ‘kids toys nowadays’.

Target 9 – Bianchi

Bianchi’s reign of terror begins…

Target 10 – Poison Cooking II

Gokudera’s traumatic childhood is revealed.

Target 11 – Haru Miura

Haru appears and refuses to listen.

Target 12 – Question 7

Tsuna and co struggle with their homework and in their desperation, turn to all sorts of people for help.

Target 13 – Shouichi Irie

Poor Shouichi has major breakdowns in communication with his mum and sister over the phone, is scarred for life from witnessing everyday life in the Sawada household.

Target 14 – Ryohei Sasagawa

Kyoko’s big brother appears, yells a lot.

Target 15 – Dr Shamal

Dr Shamal appears, I do not like this character….

Target 16 – Kyouya Hibari

Hibari appears, gets to look cool.


Categories: Shinuki Study Sesh

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