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Weekly Shonen Jump #33: Impressions


Mashle: Magic and Muscles

Can’t tell if Dot’s ‘most pitiful I’ve seen ever him’ is a mistake or just Dot being Dot (i.e. a bit dumb). Mashle in fine form with the ‘unlucky’ black cats, bug phobia and signature Mashle problem solving (from Dot this time, maybe he’s not that dumb!)



Saibaaa! 😭 I want him to be friends with Reijuro again. Or real friends I suppose


The Elusive Samurai

Love seeing Tokiyuki putting his escape abilities to use in ‘combat’!

Other Comments

  • Bakugo looks like a young Reigen lol.
  • Naoya?! Very interesting 😯
  • Hey, Billy’s Un-ability is actually kinda cool
  • Nagisaaaa! Kakkoii!!!
  • Yaay another mon- oh wait I guess he’s not actually a monster 😁 Another person with abilities appears! I actually hadn’t realised that Miharu went to a different school so I was very confused by the ‘second’ (normal acting) student council president 😅
  • Q scheming all alone is all well and good, but it’s nice to see some action 😝
  • Everything about Alien’s Area is solid (no pun intended). My expectations have risen now this intro arc is over.
  • Hmm so maybe Earthchild isn’t ending. But I’m actually okay with that since Mamoru is older now.
  • I haven’t been enjoying Roboco since it got all advertise-y 😔 Not too sure why I’m fine with it in, say Gintama, but not Roboco…I guess it feels a bit too self-congratulatory rather than self-deprecating?

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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