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Weekly Shonen Jump: Doron Dororon Chapters 1-36 Review

While I don’t remember what Golem Hearts was about, I do remember being extremely unimpressed when it had it’s Jump Start back in 2017. So when Doron Dororon was announced, I had pretty low expectations. If it had also only gotten a Jump Start, I probably would have been left feeling it wasn’t too bad. Unfortunately, as the series continued it just didn’t seem to be able to find something to make it unique. Not great, not bad, but still an improvement over Golem Hearts. Hopefully Oosuka-sensei’s next work will be even better 🙂

Doron Dororon

(Gen Oosuka)

November 2021 to August 2022

36 Chapters

What I Liked

  • Kusanagi – he’s pretty cute and I like how he transformed into all sorts of things like headphones and beanies. It would have been even cooler if he transformed into weapons other than a sword, but I guess a real Samurai only uses a katana???
  • Ginchiyo – I actually wasn’t super fond of her in the beginning, but I appreciated that she wasn’t a damsel in distress or selfless female sidekick. I was weirded out when they pretty much pretended she didn’t exist. Once they explained her weird obsession with being promoted I actually immediately liked her a lot 😝

Where I Think Things Went Wrong

  • Ugly mononoke designs – they didn’t look cool and they didn’t look disturbing/intriguingly grotesque. They were just meh.
  • Battle mechanics – it was just slash stuff using spiritual (sorry, supernatural) energy. Sure some characters had special moves, and I shouldn’t expect nen system levels of intricacies, but it wasn’t particularly interesting.
  • Dorayaki overdose – ok ok I get it, his name is Dora and he likes dorayaki, I get it. It wasn’t really much of a joke or a particularly charming character aspect so it just got annoying how much it was brought up.
  • Waaay tooo coorrny – I actually quite like THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!!! but I do prefer it to be a bit more subtle I guess? Maybe I should be more lenient on Kusanagi, it sounds like he never had any real friends before…


It was surprising how long this managed to survive, I guess the hiatus of Ruri Dragon gave it a bit more breathing room. However, since it was really obvious it was getting canned, it was hard to care when they very suddenly introduced all the captains. While I never looked forward to reading this series, I also didn’t hate it, so I’m a liiiitle sad it’s going? Depends on how bad the two new series starting are 😋

Categories: Simulpub Review

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