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Weekly Shonen Jump #46: Impressions


Akane- Banashi

Nice ani-san 😊


Sakamoto Days

Bookshelf battle choreography 👍


Ginka and Gluna

Lots of big info drops this chapter but given the way Super Smartphone and Aliens Area ended up, it’s probably the right move. Also love amiibo Ginka XD

Other Comments

  • Kinda boring JJK chapter since its pretty much just establishing the trope of overly arrogant America
  • Didn’t realise Jimbei was a comedian LOL
  • Ooh Yami backstory
  • It’s Tokyo Demon Brides!!! My shonen-harem wish is coming true??
  • Witch Watch very cute this week 😊
  • Finn and bro tag team really is cool
  • Agreed. Very wonderful, Koshiro
  • I forgot how great Bondo’s mum is. Roboco creating bad manga is getting pretty stale.
  • Uh. That was a different way to end the series. Guess they really wanted to make space for Hunter x Hunter. Like, are they not even gonna run a Super Smartphone epilogue in Jump+? Damn, I liked that plot reveal.

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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