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Manga UP!: 2022 in Review

It’s been roughly 6 months since Manga UP! launched and to my surprise I’m still using the service. I thought the tokens system would prove too much of a hassle to ‘optimise’ given the way they split their chapters, but turns out the ‘chapter’ lengths are perfect for filling the time between matches in Splatoon 3 LOL (and unlike Manga Plus, I don’t need to worry about accidentally wasting my free read if I don’t finish the chapter before the next match starts and the app crashes). Luckily a lot of the series I like generally aren’t split, which makes for a more satisfying actual reading session.

Series I Will/Would Buy

Mystery, science and a main character who doesn’t give a sh*t while still being realistic about her place in her world. I admit I spent money on XP to catch up on this one. Will be putting an order in for the physical volumes in the new year ๐Ÿ˜Š

It’s like Wotakoi but for some reason I like it a lot more. I think maybe I just like the characters more than the Wotakoi ones. I really like stories about fujoshi and I actually approve of both of the couples, so feel invested in seeing their relationships (hopefully) develop.

I feel like the title to this is misleading even though it’s actually really accurate ๐Ÿ˜… If it weren’t for the Manga UP tags, I probably would have skipped this one because it sounds like a trashy light novel title. Super bittersweet, it’s up there with Natsume’s Book of Friends in series that made me cry but don’t make me feel depressed.

I love this series, it was my favourite on Crunchyroll manga, but due to reasons I’m now re-reading it on Manga UP instead. It’s hilarious and cute and very very awkward ๐Ÿ˜

Series Where I Look Forward to New Chapters

I love the use of colour in this manga. This one is definitely finishing-up in Manga UP next year. I would probably never buy it because a physical release wouldn’t include the colour. Depending on the ending I may consider getting it digitally, but then again it’s a series where I’ve enjoyed the journey, but don’t necessarily want to re-experience it.

Arakawa quality! So many things to like: the mountain recluse learning about civilisation, the dual pair daemon system and a mystery of missing parents.

An extremely suspenseful series that didn’t overstay it’s welcome.

I have no idea where this is going, but am enjoying the political machinations and Berta is kick-ass.

This one seems to have stalled with updates on Manga UP ๐Ÿ˜” Suo x Tokiwa makes me go awww, Fuji x Asagi makes me giggle and I think Kohaku is very cute. Hagi though, needs to man-up a bit ๐Ÿ˜‹

Good Game Lobby Time Killers

The short and cute ones that heal my soul between Splatoon 3 dcs and lobby time outs ๐Ÿ˜Š

The ones that are split into 3 or 4 (or more??? so rude) parts:

UP Token User-Uppers (no pun intended)

In the rare case where I have caught up to the Advance chapters of the series I really like, or don’t have the required credits to cover the parts to make up an entire chapter, so “need” to use up the UP tokens on something else:


For some reason I was under the impression that this was highly regarded, but it’s not my cup of tea. The vulgarity is a bit too much for me, and I know the MC isn’t meant to be sympathetic, but I feel like she crosses the line into actually unlikeable.


I liked the anime so was planning on reading this eventually, but then found out that they changed/omitted quite a lot from the manga, so my interest has increased a fair bit.

It’s Ryogo Narita! I think I’ll watch the upcoming anime first before starting this one for real.


I’m definitely happy with the offerings in Manga UP and I think they’ve got me as a loyal user in 2023. Now if only I could manually sort my favourites list… And it sure would be nice if they maxed the chapter splits at 4 parts ๐Ÿ™„ Let’s see if I can stick to not paying for tokens in 2023 ๐Ÿ˜‚

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