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Ghostbuster Osamu: 10 Chapter Test

This was a brand new series to Manga Plus, so I tried it just cos.

Things I Like

  • Kaika is cool

Things That Could Be Improved

  • Errr the translation?
  • Other than just sounding extremely stilted, what on earth is ‘Fictitious Gal’ meant to mean? She is 100% a real gal, no? I feel like I missed or forgot the part that explained how/why otaku ghosts like to haunt specific gal girls??
  • It would be nice if they didn’t just focus on MPB, feels a bit weird that every single ghost is hung up on that one series. Or maybe at least flesh out the in-series series, so it’s not just arguments about who is top/bottom? Surely there are more things to fangirl about?


I dunno if this just doesn’t jive with me cos I’m not into any fandoms, but I’m not finding it particularly funny, cute or entertaining. I would have dropped this at the 10 chapter mark, if they hadn’t introduced a new character. Sometimes, all a series needs is an update to the character dynamic, so I’m willing to see if this new girl can save the series for me.

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