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2023 Weekly Shonen Jump #12: Impressions


The Ichinose Family’s Deadly Sins

Poor Minako 😢 but I feel like it’s not actually an affair like she thinks it is. Still, whatever it is, it’s still emotional betrayal


Witch Watch

Until this chapter, I wasn’t aware that I wanted to see the guys cosplay as their monster types, pretty cool!


The Elusive Samurai

Very positive awww-inspiring chapter. Plus educational 😝

Other Comments

  • Haha Nagumo hasn’t aged at all
  • Definitely appreciating the localisation efforts of the WSJ translators, even if it all the slang makes me feel old LOL
  • Nice facial expressions Luffy, Zolo 🤣
  • Very fitting last words from Mash 👍
  • Akane’s cutest face so far! Lots of strong women in this chapter 😊
  • Ooh Chinatsu actually looks kinda mad
  • I feel sad that the Cipher Academy translator is quitting. I’ve been so impressed by the localisation quality across the board, including this series ☹️
  • I don’t think Ashibi ever has to worry about mistaking No. 100’s care for him as affection 😅 she is way too blatant about her motives
  • Curious! Did Gluna give up something without even realising it?
  • I was thinking that recently the gags in Highschool Family were even lamer than usual, but I wasn’t expecting it to suddenly end
  • LOL ok, kudos to Ichigoki for the way they fast-tracked the story (since it seems like it’s gonna get the axe?)
  • Phew, looks like PPPPPP is still safe for now
  • Yay, go glurp gurl!

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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