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2023 Weekly Shonen Jump #13: Impressions


The Elusive Samurai

*The* Masamune! Plus a super awesome strong woman warrior. Aww I don’t know who I want to win in Ayako vs Kojiro!


Sakamoto Days

Wow, making shopping even more of a pain in the ass 🤣



I very much enjoy Akane and Kaisei’s interactions, so looking forward to the next chapter!

Other Comments

  • I’ve lost track of all the different motivations, I thought Kidd was on Luffy’s side for some reason and don’t rmb him fighting Shanks…
  • I guess Tsubasa is an unreliable narrator of sorts
  • Ginka’s wand looks so cool! And it turned into something like Kirby’s hammer! 🤣
  • The visual aspect of Ryuu’s eye thing was pretty lame
  • Thanks for your efforts Kumar, will be interesting to see how/if the quality of the Cipher Academy translation changes moving forward
  • Welp…I was wrong about PPPPPP. But that was one hell of an ending LOL

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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