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2023 Weekly Shonen Jump #16: Impressions


Ginka and Gluna

The magic was so beautiful…where to from here?


Witch Watch

Wow that was surprisingly gory 😅 The stuffies (Americanism?) are super cute tho!


Sakamoto Days

The most comedic end to a Sakamoto chapter so far 😁

Other Comments

  • Love the delayed reaction to being called Usopp 🤣
  • I can’t help but think this is just a roundabout way for semi-incest 🙄 but Yorozu is pretty funny. I’m interested in the history between all these strong old sorcerers.
  • I completely forgot Maikeru-anisan existed..
  • Dead ppl as angels rather than zombies is ok I guess
  • Sota seems like he cares. Story is progressing in an unexpected manner!
  • For some reason, I was expecting the gatekeeper to actually accept Mash’s cream puff 😂
  • I appreciated the Kyo/Ayame interaction at the beginning of this chapter
  • The murder mystery was fun but would have been better if I was more familiar with the quirks of the other characters (I feel like I might have already made this comment…). It was cute watching them act as each other though 😊
  • Did Hayashi-sensei just speed run through all the characters that would have appeared if Ichigoki was longer? 😆
  • Who is this random girl suddenly appearing in Jiangshi-X 😑
  • Ugh I think Gaku is one of my least favourite Roboco characters
  • LOL baby Yozakuras. Would have been impossible if the rest of the family was still around LOL
  • How anti-climatic. Feels like Manaka doesn’t actually know her aunt very well.

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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