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2023 Weekly Shonen Jump #18: Impressions


Sakamoto Days

Akao is the ultimate badass 😆


Witch Watch

Wow how did I miss the Black Jack comparison 😅



I forgot who Hikaru had as their master, didn’t realise it was an Arakawa too.

Other Comments

  • Nice buff/debuffs Yuno 🤣
  • Oh boy…Taizan5 isn’t afraid to touch on depressing (for lack of a better word) subjects 😭
  • I really like how Tokiyuki’s retainers value their lives
  • Yessss, I only really read Blue Box now for Ayame/Kyo interactions 😋
  • Hifumi is essentially Kyoichiro in baby girl form (I know that’s the point) and it’s creepy
  • Mini Gin is back!
  • So…how did Ichigoki’s cyborg body age if he and Misao were stuck in prison for 4 years? 🤣
  • Eh. Even Doron Dororon was more interesting than Jiangshi-X
  • Huh? Did Jinta get bailed out from the fight with the spirit only he could defeat? So confused but also do not care enough to reread to check.

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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