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Yumeochi: 10 Chapter Test

To be honest, I’ve never really liked the whole high school/younger days regret/re-living type stories.

Things I Like

  • The parts in the ‘present day’, I want to see more of their adult lives

Things That Could Be Improved

  • I’m not against cheesecake, but I don’t quite like this art-style, where proportions seem like they are forever changing. Also some of the shots seem very unrealistic (skirt lengths…)
  • I guess I understand that the characters want to re-live ‘normal’ high school lives, but it’s a bit boring.


Is this going to be a harem manga? I’m not really sure on the direction of this which puts me on the fence. I guess the latest character to be introduced has more ‘issues’ than the two leads which could lead to more interesting re-living scenarios? More than anything though, I need some hints as to why and how the time-sleep books work. I need some actual underlying plot. So I’ll give it another 10 chapters and see how things go.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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