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2023 Weekly Shonen Jump #20: Impressions


Tenmaku Cinema

I looove the film strip page. And although I don’t like watching stuff, I liked the planning of the scenes


Kill Blue

Looks promising! Robot x Laserbeam was just a bad Kuroko knock-off, this seems a lot more fun. WSJ demographics have changed, so this looks to be a series that the oldies and kids can both have fun with 😁



A ‘nen’ chart for rakugo 😁 I’m guessing Akane will choose the third story option?

Other Comments

  • Now it’s time for Yuuji to shine as himself!
  • There’s something about revving a motorbike 🤣
  • Oh no…Fubukiiii
  • Sooo, so far only Ichinose Grandpa seems to not have a condition of some sort
  • Phew, thank god Mash is back. That was too many chapters of stalling
  • Hmm hopefully Ashibi learns more techniques cos this one isn’t very impressive. Too self-sacrificing
  • Final chapter and Ichigoki finally gets a real laugh out if me with the back to back ‘We’ll be 30 next year’ tsukkomi 😝
  • Arrrgh I hate Roboco’s advert chapters. And the endings are falling flat for gag manga chapters.
  • Wow plot progression in Witch Watch!

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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