I never could get into Toriko cos I’m shallow and couldn’t look past the art style, so was glad to experience something (that seemed) similar through this series.

The start was a bit slow, and the treatment of Touya was uncomfortable. Things definitely got better once they left their home town.
I was surprised that Hihi didn’t really get that much backstory. I feel like they never really explained how she could turn into human form or if there were others like her (or I just forgot, maybe she’s just like Mitsuki and co?). Also surprising that no other Shinsengumi members were incorporated into the story.
I liked the revelation that Mitsume and siblings were embodiments of the planets (I forgot the in-series jargon for this…). It would have been interesting if they covered more of the planets.
I like seafood so I enjoyed the cooking aspects.
Overall though, the series was a bit shallow. It never really delved into the detail (like Hihi) or fully followed through with it’s concepts (like the planets). The characters were also very one-note and I can’t say I got attached to any of them. Touya and Iza were kinda too sappy. The ending also felt quite rushed. I rmb being bemused at how they made a big deal about them being in space before deciding, hell, not like they need the spacesuits anyway 🙄
All that said, I never felt like skipping a chapter of this. The art was unique and enough interesting stuff happened. I do wonder though if it got canned or the author just got bored 😝
Categories: Manga Plus Simulpub Review
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