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Yamada and the Seven Witches 1-28: Review

Yamada is one of the series that I have fond memories reading on Crunchyroll Manga. Now that I’ve re-read it, there really isn’t much to say about it plot-wise 🤣 But even still, it was really fun to revisit all the character interactions.

Things I Liked

  • The character interactions are what made this series
  • The times they body switched so many times they couldn’t remember how to get back to normal 😂
  • Even though there were guy witches, it was the girls who really kicked ass, both physically and metaphorically
  • How the previous witches would pop in and out of the story, it was nice to see them still incorporated even though their particular arc was over
  • How the Supernatural Club boys were still super buddy buddy 10 years later 😊

Things I Was a Little Bit Disappointed With

  • Tsubaki got the short-end of the stick 😅 Felt like Hikaru got more attention than him relative to the amount of time they were in the manga for
  • Nene and Ushio getting together. I felt like they did a good job in building up the trust between Nene and Tamaki. I guess I’m fine with Nene and Tamaki remaining friends, but the whole ‘if you try hard enough you’ll get the girl’ trope is a bit off-putting
  • I felt like it was probably a bit insulting to all the people IRL who study their asses off to get into “Tono” University, that Yamada managed to get in by cramming just before the entrance exam… I felt like it would have been better for Yamada and Shirashi to both go to a different university, and become successful in their chosen careers anyway (or is that also unrealistic?)

Top 3 Favourite Characters

Third Place – Leona

Overflowing with confidence and fierce as. Lives up to the Leo in her name more than Miyamura’s Tora 😋 I love how she rejected Yamazaki’s original confession and 10 years later she’s still stringing him along 🤣 Also, she has a scissors collection, I wanna see that.

Second Place – Noa

I don’t understand why, but Noa’s persistent *pant pant* sfx is hilarious instead of creepy. Maybe because her personality/actions aren’t actually predatory? Anyway, she’s cute (I have a weakness for pigtails and super long jumper sleeves) and she plays off Miyamura amazingly well. I’m glad she ended up spotter to both Yamada and Ushio, because it meant she got quite consistent page time 😊

First Place – Miyamura

Forget Yamada, this series wouldn’t be any interesting at all without this guy 😂 So many great things:

  • His ‘I just wanna have fun’ attitude and lack of sense of responsibility
  • How he knows he’s hot but only takes advantage of it to piss off his friends
  • How he knows he’s smart but only boasts about it to piss off his friends
  • His unabashed sister-complex (that is represented in such a way that it doesn’t feel like an actual sister-complex)
  • Most of the plot-based progress was cos he would egg on Yamada (for his own entertainment)


The weird thing that stood out the most for me reading this manga was, I realised I absolutely hate omnibus sized manga. I think I would prefer to just not buy the manga at all, the reading experience is so subpar.

Another weird thing is for some reason, the constant groping didn’t really seem to bother me? I guess all parties involved were usually not against it (or were oblivious to it) and it pretty much worked both ways gender-wise (and within genders)?

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