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The Dark Doctor Ikuru: 10 Chapter Test

This title languished in my favourites list for a long time, over-shadowed by all the newer series releasing on Manga PLUS 😅

Things I Like

  • The way they explain fantastical things (like mermaids) via novel diseases
  • The humorous way Ikuru’s virus disposes of other viruses 🤣
  • Introduction of the Dark Pharmacist right when the Dark Doctor aspect was starting to get a little stale

Things That Could Be Improved

  • Ikuru’s character model doesn’t seem to have a consistent age…
  • More world building would be nice. Ikuru seems to be country hopping but I have no idea where everything is in relation to each other


I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. But I’m conscious that I need to start being pickier, so will give it another 10 chapters to see if I get bored of the premise.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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