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Beat & Motion: 10 Chapter Test

I wasn’t really sure what to expect from the winner of the MILLION TAG competition.

Things I Like

  • The indie animation/internet songwriter-singer stuff is very topical
  • It has nice, positive messaging about chasing your dreams
  • Nico joins the esteemed Jump heroine club of vomitters lol

Things That Could Be Improved

  • Maybe cos it’s quite slice of life, but I wouldn’t say this is a captivating read
  • Tatsuhiko isn’t really a MC that I can straight up root for
  • Nico kinda feels a bit manic-pixie-girl-fantasy-ish? Which is to say I don’t find her that likeable either.
  • And animation boy being all tsundere is off-putting


I’m gonna drop this one, but if I rmb correctly, the MILLION TAG prize includes an anime. I think this would fair much better as an anime as you could hear their music and watch the animations. It would be interesting to see if they make it a multimedia project and team up with some up-and-coming animator/songwriter-singers.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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