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Daily Lives of High School Boys 1-5: Review

This series is in my top 3 anime list. I knew I was going to love it from the first five minutes of the first episode. I was curious how different the series would be without the voice acting and if I would like it less because of it.

I feel like a comedy is very good when you know what the punchline is gonna be, but it still elicits a laugh. That’s Daily Lives of High School Boys for me. I recently re-read the first chapter of the series on Manga UP to get free UP, which would make it the fifth or sixth time seeing the shaver horror story and every. single. time. I laugh (while simultaneously wincing and either yelling out loud or in my head ‘nooooooo’) 🤣🤣🤣

The lack of voices wasn’t as big a deal as I thought it would be because they were so memorable I could hear the voices while I was reading the dialogue.

One thing the manga did better was not dragging out the literature girl stuff as much as the anime. Because it wasn’t drawn out, it was actually funnier, whereas in the anime, it got less funny each time she appeared.

Another thing that stood out to me in the manga, but not the anime, was how badly (and literally) scarred Toshiyuki was. Not sure if they actually glossed over it in the anime, but wow, the history that was alluded to sounds INTENSE (and makes you wonder what the parents were doing…)


This series didn’t really have an ending, but that kinda suits it. I don’t think any other high school comedy will live up to the hilarity this provided. I love it 😆

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