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Mikane and The Sea Woman: 10 Chapter Test

I was intrigued by the title.

Things I Like

  • The exploration of the darker mermaid legend, since nowadays mermaids are more like fairies

Things That Could Be Improved

  • Very slow to set-up
  • Not really interested in the bittersweet high school romance aspect
  • I can’t understand Mikane’s obsession, and kinda feel annoyed at him for ignoring the mermaid’s warnings
  • They introduced a variety of sea slugs in the 10th chapter and it would be nice if they all had a mermaid version. Actually having more than one mermaid in the story would have made me more interested.


So far it’s pretty meandering, and because I can’t really see where it’s going or wants to to go, I just am not very interested. The most interesting character is the professor who only just appeared. The highschoolers all seem pretty generic. Shame, I was expecting a mature story.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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