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Book Review: From Blood and Ash

So to be honest I didn’t even finish reading this book. Even though I skipped the first main sex scene. Since it was an e-library borrow it got automatically returned and I was far enough through that I knew I didn’t care enough to wait in line to finish it. Thank goodness for wiki summaries.

So after The Court of Miracles and Spin The Dawn, this book makes the third in a now identified trend. I am too old and jaded to read young adult fiction told entirely from a teenage girl’s point of view.

I’m also probably too old for this book since nothing in it was really all that surprising. It made me wonder if I would like any of the books I read as a teenager if I were to reread them. Which lead me to looking up Tamora Pierce on GooglePlay Books and learning that Song of the Lioness is (finally?) being released in February next year. So something good did come of (trying) to read this book 😝

Another complaint that I think often applies to young adult fiction, is what I’m now going to refer to as ‘quip-versations’. Please, can you all just hold a normal conversation? Must you all be endlessly trying to one-up each other?

Finally, I already knew this so it’s on me for not bailing when I realised, but Sarah J Maas style romance-fantasy is not for me. But now I know doubly sure.

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