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The Holy Grail of Eris: 10 Chapter Test

Interesting that searching this title, even with the search term ‘Manga UP’, doesn’t bring up Manga UP in the first page of results…

Things I Like

  • Dual aims of figuring out the machinations behind Scarlett’s death and restoring the Grail fortunes/name
  • Scarlet’s plots are fun but also effective
  • Constance finding her resolve in the 10th chapter
  • Constance is likeable and has already started undergoing good character development

Things That Could Be Improved

  • I find it a bit hard to keep track of where all the characters fit on the social hierarchy
  • Manga UP is damn slow at updating


I feel like this is the type of series that I would usually be happy to buy physically, but I might see where the plot heads for a bit longer on Manga UP first. Which means I might be waiting a long time, but luckily the plot beats are easy to remember in between the very slow updates.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga UP

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