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Sachi’s Records ~Sachi’s Book of Revelation: 10 Chapter Test

I admit it, I totally judged this by the artstyle…

Things I Like

  • It may be cliche but I’m enjoying the whole good demon bad angel schitck
  • I really like Ran, in a way I guess she is pretty relatable? 😅
  • Suitably absurd. Like I was not expecting both of them to enrol into elementary school

Things That Could Be Improved

  • All the kids are pretty annoying. Maybe needs more weird adults to play off the various kids (rich girl’s bodyguards don’t count)


So this one does make me chuckle. I was expecting to want to drop it straightaway but I ended up liking it. I blame Shugomaru??? But I did also expect it to suck not be my thing based on the artstyle so I’ll take the L. I get the feeling that it might not last that long though…

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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