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Do It Yourself: 10 Chapter Test

I remember having zero interest in the anime because I thought it was gonna be cute girls do cute things genre.

Things I Like

  • I really enjoy crafting so like learning about the different things they are making
  • I like how it’s a mixture of woodworking and handicrafting
  • The way they need to gradually work their way to the actual project they want to do

Things That Could Be Improved

  • Yua is a bit too derpy
  • Purin is a bit to tsundere
  • Overall the characters are a bit stereotypical and can be kinda annoying


If I treat the characters as vehicles for DIY instructions then it’s pretty enjoyable. It would be nice if there was eventually some character development. But the DIY aspect is strong enough for me to continue reading.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga UP

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