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Shojo Null: 10 Chapter Test

I was expecting something more post-apocalyptic based on the promo image.

Things I Like

  • Mari’s design

Things That Could Be Improved

  • Slow moving plot. No inklings about why humans are being turned into gijin or how such a conspiracy has been hidden for so long
  • Mimizumi feels very convenient
  • The gijin atrocities feel very rote (which doesn’t take away from how terrible it all is but also doesn’t hit as hard as it should)
  • Repetitive chapter structure where Mari goes off and does her own thing and everything just works out


This series isn’t bad but it didn’t really progress anything (plot or relationships) much in 10 chapters so I didn’t develop any interest in it. Also things feel kinda unrealistic in that they still haven’t really be found out, despite Mari being totally conspicuous and Riaha’s dad’s background surely being a huge red flag for authorities?

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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