Was not expecting a new seriea from Mapollo3 so soon!

Things I Like
- How you can tell things are in the future through the similar-yet-different locale names
- The visual effect of Tsubame’s yelling magic power 🤣
- The fact that magical girls are created through science
- The mystery of Koko and the deadly notions. How each notion’s backstory is tied to a deadly sin.
Things That Could Be Improved
- I want Rui to not be useless 😅
This feels like if PPPPPP had Mimi as the main character 😝 I feel like this could have fit into WSJ more than PPPPPP did. It’s fun though and the plot is moving quickly. Tsubame’s power is such that no training arcs or powerups are really needed which streamlines things a lot. I like it 🙂

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus
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