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2023 Book Round-Up

Total Books Read: 39

Favourite books

  1. The Golden Fool/Fool’s Fate
  2. Piranesi
  3. Sea of Tranquility

Honorable Mentions

  • Pillars of the Earth
  • The Priory of the Orange Tree
  • The Library at Mount Char

Series Completed

  • The Fitz and the Fool
  • Practical Magic
  • The Poppy Wars

Other Highlights/Notes

  • Learning that while the Australian library system *does* compensate authors for books borrowed, it does NOT for ebooks borrowed, so subscribed to Scribd/Everand to support authors
  • Starting the Temeraire series and buying the Grim Oak Press three volume omnibus on the strength of the first novel alone
  • Voting for Piranesi in the Folio Society poll
  • Discovering Ken Follett
  • I didn’t read a single Pern novel this year?!

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