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Hope You’re Happy, Lemon: 10 Chapter Test

I know this is weird, but I set my expectations slightly higher cos the girl’s name is Lemon 😅

Things I Like

  • The friendships between Sunao and Suzuka/Lemon and Kogahara are really nice
  • I think it makes sense that Suzuka and Kogahara would fall in love with the personalities of their besties in the body of the opposite sex
  • It’s interesting that there is a set timetable for body switching

Things That Could Be Improved

  • So far it’s just body swapping hijinks, it would be good if they gave out some hints as to why the body swapping is happening.


The characters are very likeable and I am interested in knowing why Lemon dumped Sunao (and in such a manner). I think atm I am in favour of Sunao x Lemon but I think I’ll be happy with any outcome.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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