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2024 Weekly Shonen Jump #17: Impressions


Two on Ice

Was Takkun abused as a child? 😟


Dear Anemone

I’m liking Dear Anemone, but I get the feeling it might be too dark for WSJ



Nice use of panel cutouts to hide HaloHalo’s face. I kinda wanna see more of his interactions with Mamama 🤣

Other Comments

  • That’s a handy pot of insta dry paint…Mashle turning his wand into a tennis racket felt more believable than Luffy’s improv baseball bat 🙄
  • Ooh! Miguel?
  • Nice, they set up the groundwork for this new Enten sword ability
  • Yay Ruri’s making more friends 😊
  • Good onya Tai-no-ji
  • Nemu has realised! 🥰
  • Yajima and his ridiculous family set-up lol
  • That’s a very unique way of making udon 😅
  • I feel like I should know who Tayuya from Naruto is? 😂
  • I guess that fake out worked? Ruri’s talent masking Roboco’s weirdness

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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