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Library Sampler: The Demon Prince of Momochi House Vol. 1

I feel like I’ve heard about this series before, maybe it got an anime? I knew nothing about this going in and somehow accidentally borrowed it so decided to give it a shot.

Himari reminds me a lot of Hinome from IM ~Great Priest Imhotep~, but frankly, inferior. Also inferior is Himari’s relationship with Aoi. It’s just generic hot guy mysteriously dotes on main girl character. Hinome and Im at least had some good banter going on.

I was annoyed that an entire volume passed and Himari was still useless. At least drop some hints about why her bloodline is important (surely there’s more to the house than what they explained), or why she was given the will or something.

Also the fanservice with random Aoi-in-various-stages-of-undress had no impact. Similarly for the boys love pandering shots. If you’re gonna drop that sorta stuff in then it needs to be Black Butler level of innuendo (and level of art) lol.

This series probably isn’t bad, I’m just very much not the target audience. And it has taught me to actually do a bit more research before wasting time on random manga haha.

Categories: Library Sampler

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