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Manga UP: ACCA-13 Chapters 1-37 Review

The title is so dry, but that kinda works since it is about bureaucracy 😝

I was drawn into this by the bureaucracy aspect but stayed for the bread LOL. Only half joking, the bread really did sound delicious. I also enjoyed learning alongside Jean about the culture of each district.

I wasn’t expecting the twist, but it was good and really highlighted how awesome Nino is. I also like how it turned Agent Rail into an ally, he was kinda annoying as a semi-antagonist.

I also liked the reveal on who Abend turned into. I didn’t pick it. And as previously mentioned, Nino’s triple agent act was very impressive.

The ending was so neat and convenient but I forgive it because the characters themselves acknowledged it 🤣

I feel like this would be a nice one to reread now that I know the twist, but looks like some volumes are out of print and it’s not sold digitally in my region on Google Play Books 😢

Categories: Simulpub Review

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