So I only really made it to episode 6 or so of the anime. Thanks to the delays I never ended up continuing with it. I wasn’t really enjoying it but thought I’d see if the manga was better.

Things I Like
- The art is nice and detailed. The anime definitely stripped away a lot of the charm of the artstyle
- The pacing is nice and fast with multiple things getting crossed off the list each chapter.
- The way one bucket list item leads into another is smart and the way things coincidentally happen to match bucket list items is amusing
Things That Could Be Improved
- There hasn’t really been much covered on the specifics of how people turn into zombies, despite Shizuka kinda focusing on that in the very beginning. I guess I’m just weirded out how blasé the characters are about zombie body fluids 😅
So another case of the source material being far superior to its anime counterpart. I realised quite quickly what turned me off about the anime – they focused too much on the zombie apocalypse side of things when it’s really more of a comedy. Pretty much zombies only really appear when they need them to forward the plot 🤣 And I’m totally fine with that.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Viz Manga
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