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2024 Weekly Shonen Jump #27: Impressions


Green Green Greens

Noo Oliver! Yes…Nadeshiko?! 🤣


Blue Box

Nice one Hina. And nice one Yusa haha.


Dear Anemone

I think the powers in Dear Anemone are sooo cool. Appeals to my science background 😊

Other Comments

  • Ummm…was that meant to be a merlion quirk…? 😒
  • Lol Shishiba and co’s reaction to their boss saying he’d take responsibility by dying afterwards
  • Actually just enlisting Kuran is the better option 👍 Also lol the tail thing is totes fanservice for the girls
  • Looking forward to Maikeru-aniisan unveiling his cards 😁
  • Haha the footnote on Ogami’s praise to big Mai
  • Heheh that was a cute chapter. Why not play games with your psyches?
  • To be a parent in Japan… 😱
  • Dots for eyes is terrifying! And he keeps reappearing! 😂
  • CHOJO IS WATCHING YOU should be on a t-shirt lol
  • Info-dump-Roboco chapters are no fun either…

Categories: Weekly Shonen Jump Impressions


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