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ANKOKU Delta: 10 Chapter Test

I was so confused why the guy on the cover didn’t appear in the story for quite a few chapters lol.

Things I Like

  • It’s like casually violent without being ick
  • I feel bad for Aurora’s buddy lol
  • The fake-out with the human boy in the first chapter who still makes cameos haha
  • The researcher stumbling across a Deltian half-assing the religious con

Things That Could Be Improved

  • The art is rooouuugh


This one surprised me, in 10 chapters it has managed to solidify the conflict of the story even while the main character is kinda just screwing around lol. And it drops in some unexpected humour that while isn’t laugh-out-loud funny does kinda make me mentally snigger. I feel like its kinda in the vein of Chainsaw Man but maybe a bit more to my tastes…somehow…

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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