This is a late review since I got caught up in migrating to WordPress. But can’t say I was very impressed. In all honesty, Veronica was kinda annoying in this one. Although it was nice to see JJ and the police guy (mental blanking on his name…it starts with M…) interacting.
The introduction of Plumridge was a bit of fresh air coming from all the cynics and wisecrack characters this series usually has. I’m assuming he will feature prominently in future novels. And I did appreciate the appearance of Portia from the Lady Julia Grey series since that one looks like it won’t be coming back. Portia and Tiberius causing trouble together, I’d love to see it 😁
One other thing that annoyed me about this book was the pseudo-science. Or should I say lack of science in the pseudo-science? It was all explained away as the siblings essentially ‘magical’ formula for embalming.
I haven’t really like many of the Speedwell novels since Veronica and Stoker became an item. At this point I’m more reading it for the side characters than the main duo. So I feel a bit sad since I used to adore this series 🥲
Categories: Book Reviews
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