They sure hyped this one up.

Things I Like
- There’s obviously been a lot of thought put into the world building
Things That Could Be Improved
- More hints about Yattara’s origins and fellow brethren (or whoever that character who wanted to find Yattara is)
- More information on the background of the kids. Where did they come from? Obviously they are considered foreigners but what’s the geography like, what’s the reason behind the hostility to non-natives?
- The kids unfortunately are not very likeable. I feel sorry for them but I wouldn’t say I feel invested to cheer them on.
Overall this is just kinda depressing. I feel like it’s trying to hard to be thought-provoking with the racism. Maybe I just don’t like it because it’s too real and there is no hope to be found within the kids’ current circumstances.
The raising kids to eat aspect felt pretty forced. I don’t think they balanced Yattara’s supposed motivations with his ‘caring’ actions very well. As in, it just felt like it was going to turn into ‘Yattara realises he cares for the kids!’. Especially since it seems to be hinting that Yattara was originally an abused/neglected child.
I also didn’t like the narration from Yattara’s third person point of view. It felt lame.

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus
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