Fashion Theme: I dunno, like bohemian artist? A messy one lol (hence the gum boots). I just really wanted to use the embroidered jacket and there weren’t many glasses/eyewear options at the time so had to coordinate something with the beret/glasses.
Emote: it just fits the glasses imo
Gear Intent: The usual IA for blaster-things and ink saver main so I can paint a lot. Some SSU and ink-res to help reposition. Random single chunk of SCU, dunno what I was thinking there.
Overall Thoughts: This weapon used to help me cheese my way to S+. It inked well, could get decent kills on tower and had a displacement special to harass backlines. But something changed…the special balance I think. The rise of tacticooler and trizooka kinda killed this weapon for me. It also can’t deal that well with kraken or chumps. And given it doesn’t deal well with getting multi-teamed rushed-down, I find it hard to bring it out anymore. I enjoyed our time together while it lasted tho 😂
Categories: Games
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