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Sable Boyfriend Cardigan

So this project started with me ironing paper. The applique pressing sheet I bought earlier in the year sure is handy. Then I tried to be sustainable and printed the print-at-home pattern on some scrap paper, but my printer didn’t like feeding through some of the pages that were formerly stapled, so I had to get a bit creative when putting it all together. Should be fine right, not like it’s a close fitting garment 😋

After putting it all together…damn am I like super short or something? The promotional image shows the cardigan going not quite mid thigh, but this looked it it would go past my knee 🤨 I guess since all the sizes are the same length they are trying to make sure it suits very tall people too? But would be nice if they included a ‘lengthen/shorten here’ guide like I commonly see on commercial patterns. I ended up reducing it by 10 cm for the prototype. Btw, my first time seeing the term ‘cut 1 pair main’ instead of ‘cut 2’.

It turns out the fabric I was planning to use for prototyping was only 1 m, so I ended up using a knit I bought from Homecraft Textiles for a blouse, except when I received it, I decided it was too weighty. But would work as a light cardigan. It was probably an odd width…the pattern specified 1.8 m of 148 cm for size 8 but I only barely managed to cut all the pieces (actually had to split the neckband into 4 pieces…the pattern helps disguise this though). Btw, I hadn’t come across this method for constructing pockets before, it works quite well. The extra reinforcing makes sense too! nevermind that I was too lazy to actually implement that part…

I was pretty happy how it turned out! except for the part where I accidentally pushed a shoulder seam forward instead of back and realised too late Only thing is….damn it is huge 😂 ‘relaxed fit’…to the extreme. I read reviews for this pattern saying to drop 2 sizes so I dropped 1 but I seriously think I need to drop 3…

Overall though, this was a nice relaxing project for a weekend. I started Friday night and finished it before the sun started to set on Sunday, and I only really worked on it for 2-3 hours each day. It would have been faster if I actually read the damn instructions properly. Seriously, there was like barely any instructions and I still managed to miss parts LOL. I mean, look at this:

In conclusion, I’m gonna keep this and see if I actually ever end up wearing it. But at least now I will have a size 4 pattern ready and tested for when my actual fabric arrives 😊

Categories: Sewing

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