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Cozy Pinwheels – Baby Quilt

Main Fabric: Cozy Up (Moda)

Filler Fabric: Emma Louise European Linen

Backing Fabric: Emma Louise European Linen

Free- Motion Quilting: Loophole

Like most crafters, I tend to buy any fabric I feel drawn to, out of fear it will be out-of-stock when I decide I actually really want it 🙃 (it has happened before and I ‘learnt’ from my lesson. My wallet probably isn’t happy with this approach) But then end up with a pile of charm packs with no planned projects 😅

This was one of those, but then I heard a childhood friend was expecting and thought this was a nice bright fabric pack for a baby 😊

I used it as an excuse to try out the classic pinwheel block. It was very satisfying getting the seams to nest 🤣 Now that I’ve done a whole quilt of them I feel like I never need to make this block again.

I have a tendency to try and put the same colour fabrics near each other. My brain just can’t handle random. Or rather, true random means you will have similar colours or prints adjacent to each other, which makes it feel like not-actually-random…does that make sense???

Categories: Quilting

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