What an amazing book. I love it when it’s so suspenseful and I don’t know what’s going to happen next and I’m actually fearful for the characters.
I think Laurence is such a good character. Sure a bit stuffy, but I really respect his discipline and consistency. I felt for him, trying to explain the inconsistencies of the world to Temeraire 😅
The focus of the novel with Napoleon conquering Austria and Prussia, felt very timely to current events 😐 Which made me feel even more sympathetic to the side characters.
Speaking of characters, this novel introduced two really awesome ones. I was so happy that Laurence and Tharkay came to an understanding and was sad when Tharkay left, although it did make sense, and I figured he would hopefully show up in later novels. But then he shows up with 20 feral dragons to save the day, the absolute hero 🤩 And Iskierka is a riot 🤣 strong-willed and bloodthirsty female, she is gonna be fun.
I thought this book also interwove it’s main theme throughout the whole story really well. Temeraire’s fervent wish for dragon-rights, Lien’s cooperation and high-standing within the French army and Tharkay negotiating to bring the feral dragons along all came back to the importance of human-dragon relations. It was so nicely done and also not heavy-handed.
I’m kinda glad I never studied European history because it means I don’t know the outcomes of the battles, but at the same time I feel a bit ignorant not knowing anything about Prussia haha.
Categories: Book Reviews
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