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Crunchyroll Manga: 2022 In Review

I’ve barely used this app this year… Partially cos all the series I read update so infrequently it’s not worth booting it up regularly. Partially cos the app is annoying to use on my Onyx Boox e-reader. Partially cos half the time I go to use it, it refuses to log me in or errors out in some way 🙃

Why I Still Use This App

Holmes of Kyoto

I love that this is a mystery series without murder. The romance aspect is cute too. I think I actually like the overarching plot about Ensho less than the other cases.

YanOta: The Delinquent and the Otaku

This one seemed to have gone on hiatus for a bit, so I’m glad it’s back! But not glad that the app doesn’t let me load some of the chapters….hence me moving to Manga UP for this series.

One Room of Happiness

I know this one is available on Manga UP, but it’s the type of series I wouldn’t want to read in single chapters, let alone part by part. So I much prefer reading multiple chapters in a row whenever I get around to opening the app.

Space Brothers

Another one that I like to read in bunches of chapters. Although I don’t subscribe to any of the other manga services that host this title anyway.

Not Worth Wasting UP On

These are all interesting enough but not that gripping. I’d like to read them to the end, but have no drive to keep up-to-date. And definitely don’t want to use my UP tokens to read these at a snails pace 🙄

I Kinda Forgot About These

Lofty Flower Fall For Me!

I like this one! But it’s not really the type of series I want to binge read chapters of. It would be perfect for my Manga UP reading habits… Published by Gangan Online, so there might be a chance??

A Sign of Affection

I dunno. I like the premise. But I’m not super big on romance, and this one is a bit saccharine for me.

Where did you go???

The Heroic Legend of Arslan

One day, I opened up the Crunchyroll manga app with the intention of reading this and it had disappeared… Much sadness. I was really enjoying this one. Arslan’s assortment of allies was fun, and I was waiting in anticipation of Arslan reuniting with his father.

I’m not really sure if this is available elsewhere…as in on any other manga subscription services that is. The series page on the Kodansha website links to a whole bunch of services which either 404 or go to a generic home page that doesn’t want to make the search box easily identifiable 🙄 If Manga Plus and Manga UP didn’t exist, I would probably consider buying it physically, but to be honest, there is just so much to read nowadays I think I’ll have to give up on this one.


Crunchyroll obviously don’t care about this part of their service. It was bad, it’s still bad, and it will never get better. On the bright (?) side, it probably won’t be getting any new series that aren’t also available elsewhere. I guess I will be sticking around until the series I like either finish or do an Arslan, although to be honest, it’s more likely that the entire app/service will go *poof* suddenly instead 😅 Maybe I should get onto that Space Brothers backlog sooner rather than later…

Categories: Crunchyroll Manga

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