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Ghostbuster Osamu: 10 Chapter Test Pt II

So pretty much this series fails for me at the 20 chapter mark.

Things I Like

  • Kaika is still cool but it felt like her page time decreased??
  • The personified Oden series LOL those extras were better drawn than the manga itself…

Things I Didn’t Like

  • I feel like all these selfish and rude ghosts don’t deserve the amount of effort Osamu puts in to help them go to heaven…
  • No actual plot or character development (falling further down the otaku rabbit-hole doesn’t count)
  • Still don’t like the artstyle


I actually read the 20th chapter of this probably over a month ago, decided to give up on the series and then just completely forgot about it 😅

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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