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The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses: 10 Chapter Test

I don’t really like high-school-short-rom-com style manga, so ignored this one for a long time. But then an anime was announced and I remembered that I quite like Chiyo Kuno the Psychic despite it falling into that same category.

Things I Like

  • It’s cute and funny
  • The scenarios somehow manage to be mundane but weird at the same time?
  • Komura is a main character that is easy to cheer on

Things That Could Be Improved

  • Poor Komura-kun doesn’t get drawn as nicely 🤣 he oftens looks a bit off or sketchy
  • I assume the cast will grow at least a little bit, that would be nice


I wasn’t sure how novel the premise could be, but so far it’s been very versatile. Also, Mie came to a small realisation very early on, over her attitude towards Komura. It feels like the pace of this will be quite satisfying!

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga UP

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