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Red Cat Ramen: 10 Chapter Test

I never read or watched it but isn’t this just Neko Ramen?

Things I Like

  • How they are realistic about cat hair and foods that are bad for cats
  • The chapter where the cats are interested in the masked tradie’s face was kinda funny

Things That Could Be Improved

  • It’s pretty bland, is it interesting to read about someone working a job?
  • There isn’t much about cats and integration to society or anything, even the rude streamer thing didn’t really go anywhere really
  • Main character is annoyingly timid
  • I don’t feel like the cats outside of Hana have very strong personalities
  • Not enough hints about the previous owner or why/how cats took over


I got weird vibes from this like the MC was meant to be a stand in for cat-loving office ladies who hate their job. I would hate to have to brush cats/wash dishes as my day job though, even though I really like cats…

Categories: 10 Chapter Test Manga Plus

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