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Book Review: A Sinster Revenge

First book of the new year!

This is probably my least favourite Veronica Speedwell novel. Veronica and Stoker are a great team, so splitting them up is no fun. And they were both being annoyingly stubborn. And Veronica’s ‘grand gesture’ didn’t seem very grand to me. Veronica was too proud and got herself into stupid situations and honestly was a bit of a bitch. And really horny too lol, I started skim reading her daydreams.

What was good though was Merry getting some page time and character development. And Tiberius and Julien teaming up is gonna be amazing hahaha. I also liked that J.J. is starting to be more of an ally and felt bad at how she was treated by Veronica.

The mystery itself was both good and bad. There were sufficient twists that it was engaging. But having Veronica bet that the culprit was a woman kinda insinuated that was the actual case (because the way Veronica is written is that she can’t be wrong unless she admits it herself). At the very least I’m glad Elspeth got the ending she did. Both Beatrice and Augusta sucked. As did Lorenzo. And James too a bit. What the hell Tiberius, your friends suck.

So treating this novel as a bit of a set-up for future ones since it’s shoring up relationships and all. Shame, I like it when Tiberius is around but he was a bit morose this time.

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