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Manga Plus: Diasporaiser Chapters 1-15 Review

I just realised a lot of the time I’ve been spelling this without one of the a’s….

This series was all about Clearly. Some of the female characters were cool too, but no one could top Clearly. Nikuzuta was kinda whatever 😝

It was interesting that the series was set in South Africa. But I don’t think it really used it’s locale to great advantage. I don’t really recall anything that made it such that you couldn’t just plop the story into a different country.

Maybe it comes down to the short length of this series, but I feel like they could have gone into more detail about stuff. Like maybe Clearly and his guns or his car or something.

Actually, this series is one of those where what happened in the past (Clearly’s bad-ass career as protector of Earth) feels more intriguing than what this series actually covered. Although they could have gone more into Nikuzuta’s background and parentage too.

I suppose it stopped at a good point. If the series had been any longer it probably would have started to feel very boring.

Categories: Manga UP Simulpub Review

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