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Weekly Shonen Jump: MamaYuyu Chapters  1-29 Review

Given the setting, I thought this was going to be a story about culture shock or learning to be tolerant or something…


(Yoshihiko Hayashi)

September 2023 to April 2024

29 Chapters

What I Liked

  • Minerva!
  • I actually liked it more when it went full harem lol
  • Mamama and HaloHalo’s relationship (based on the hints we were given)
  • The naming of moves felt lame at first but grew on me

Where I Think Things Went Wrong

  • Corleo powered up through sheer willpower
  • Mamama had almost no role
  • Sigil sorcery wasn’t a very well explained or structured power system
  • Damsels in distress everywhere (even poor Minerva)


I felt like the main premise was bait-and-switched out. ‘Here is a world where humans and demons live in harmony!’ cue introducing humans and demons from other worlds that do not live in harmony 🙄 Also there was potential in the family set-up but they shoved Mamama into a corner and pretty much ignored her. Corleo himself was bland and kinda too self-inserty for a teenage boy. But at the very least at least the change to a harem formula made it not a snoozefest til the end (and fit well with Corleo’s cardboard cut-out personality 🤣)

Categories: Simulpub Review

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