Fashion Theme: Red + Blue = Purple 😁
Emote: The finger pointing kinda reminds me of baseball batters signalling a home-run instead in this case it’s me trying to one-shot people with the long-range jump shot haha.
Gear Intent: Probably the weirdest blaster outfit cos no Intensify Action… I feel like I need all the ink management in order to get in to be able to get kills. Maybe I should be waiting for the enemy to come closer to me to take them out instead? But there so many location subs/specials that being passive always seems to backfire on me. Basically I need to get in behind cover to try and be annoying. 2 subs of Sub Power Up to try to burst bomb combo people who attempt to run away after getting chip damaged by the long range shot. Stealth Jump because why wouldn’t you have that ability with this kinda weapon.
Overall Thoughts: I really like this weapon but I find it hard to use in solo queue because even with my ink-focused gear set, I’m kinda reliant on my teammates putting ink down so I can fulfil my role (killing) but so often I’m the one who is inking and enabling my teammates. It was very common for me to go most kills AND most turf even when I had shooter teammates. So it felt very unsatisfying in a ‘I resent my teammates’ kinda way lol. Maybe if I wasn’t trying to use it in S rank…
If they brought it back in Splatoon 4 I would probably try to semi-main it because I really like the technical aspect with the two shot ranges. Plus getting that blaster ‘chink’ on a one-shot blaster is awesome 😁 Especially when you line up the long-range jump shot and it hits ❤️
Categories: Games
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