I wonder how it did in the rankings, felt like it was cut short.

I don’t drink alcohol but it was still interesting learning about the origins of different well known alcohol brands and the ingredients that the alcohol is derived from.
It felt like a pretty light-hearted series with some education and action scenes on the side but the last chapter raises some pretty serious points about inequality and alcohol as a vice, it made me respect the series more. I also liked the epilogue, especially the fake-out with Mona’s daughter looking and acting just as sassy as her 😝 Also they didn’t say it outright but based on hair colour Paul might have ended up marrying Lily? I like how it was left open-ended. And so nice how they stayed friends.
I liked how the series tackled the hardships of immigrants and veterans and I suppose also the struggles of women (via Lily and Paul’s sister). But not in a heavy handed way.
The main cast was well balanced, with Paul being the voice of reason to the different types of chaos Mona and Gary brought. It’s a bit of a shame that the series wasn’t longer for the three if them to grow and work off each other better. But I’m also fine with it not dragging out. I do feel there was a lot more to learn about more types of alcohol and different American localities. Oh well.
Categories: Manga Plus Simulpub Review
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