Fashion Theme: Navy and White. I just really wanted to use the Peacoat 😝
Emote: Ready For Action because I ended up using this a bit in Anarchy Series.
Gear Intent: Ninja Squid to try to get in range because the main weapon is fairly powerful if you can hit people lol. Stealth Jump as a standard and Ink Saver Main because sometimes (most of the time) once you start waving your brush you’re kinda commited and running out of ink in that situation isn’t great haha… I forgot I put tenacity on this. Now that I’ve remembered, it was so I could just hide in the ink and still charge special lol. It was more for turf than ranked cos I didn’t think I would use it in ranked, I was so wrong.
Overall Thoughts: I really like this weapon. I think Point Sensor and Tentamissiles synergises with the main weapon really well, because the start up is so slow, knowing where the enemy is to set up appropriately is so important. It also inks decently and has good kill potential especially since you can take out multiple people in one go. One of my favourite weapons in the game (it actually has a good kit 😱)
Categories: Games
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