I usually don’t like it when series go out of order and ‘return’ to a previous time period. I dislike the break in continuity. It was definitely the case for other times this series has done it. But I think being in a different country was novelty enough for me to not really care too much. Plus all the new characters were all quite charming in their own way 😁 I quite liked the head police officer and his fascination with ‘the British method of deduction’ haha.
Maybe also Ramses being separate from Nefret for most of the novel helped. Because this time period was the most annoying for their relationship lol.
I liked that the mystery was not personal but political. And how there were two intertwining plots going on. And I also liked the hopeful feeling of the Sons of Abraham organisation. And it felt fair that Amelia solved parts of the problems and Emerson got to solve the rest 😝
Only one book left… 😢
Categories: Book Reviews
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