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Katekyo Hitman Reborn Vol. 5 (JP):
Shinuki Study Sesh

Fuuta! I forgot about you too! Somehow he looks sly when he is meant to be cute and vulnerable… I actually really like Fuuta’s rankings. Although I could have done without Haru jumping on the ranking bandwagon. I complained about the series being too formulaic last volume, but they jigged it up a bit with both Gokudera’s reaction to Bianchi-with-her-eyes-covered and the 10 year bazooka 😁 I also realise I appreciate how thick-headed each of the characters can be regarding their object of admiration 😂 Of course, Gokudera is the prime example here, but Hana’s reactions to adult Lambo compared to the child version were pretty blind lol. Once again, poor adult Lambo! He’s super cute in baby form though 😊

Hmm?! Foreshadowing for Natsu?? 🤭


Target 34 – Fuuta, Prince of Stars

Fuuta appears! Not only does he communicate with the stars, but he also has some sort of dimensional storage for his huge-ass book 🤣

Target 35 – Fuuta, Once More

Methodical cycling through each of the Vongola gang’s dumb ranking requests from Fuuta.

Target 36 – Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day of course equals chocolate which equals food which in Reborn equals poison cooking ☠

Target 37 – Snowball Fight, Commence

Methodical cycling through each of the fight participants’ “special” characteristics backfiring on them.

Target 38 – Snowball Fight, Round 2

Methodical cycling through each of the fight participants being forced to retire due to stupid circumstances. Also Bianchi bullying little kids because Bianchi 😅

Target 39 – Training Yamamoto

Yamamoto gets a baseball sword-bat, Gokudera sulks.

Target 40 – Dojo Destroyer

Ryohei ropes Tsuna into advertising the greatness of boxing helping a local dojo stand up to a dojo destroyer while Ipin mistakes a dojo sign for a cutting board.

Target 41 – Out of Order

Hana blackmails Tsuna into introducing her to adult Lambo by threatening to tell Kyoko that Haru is Tsuna’s girlfriend (don’t worry Tsuna, I wouldn’t want anyone thinking I was dating Haru either) but the 10 year bazooka breaks, resulting in a super cute baby adult Lambo (and repressed memories of kid Lambo in adult Lambo’s body…)

Target 42 – Zoo

The Vongola gang causes headaches for the poor zoo staff and then engage in animal abuse. Yes Kyoko, I’m sure front row seats to watching your big bro punch a lion was very fun.

Bonus: Haru Haru Interview

I guess I won’t translate this…I’ve sat on this blog post for almost 4 months cos I just have no motivation to translate Haru’s words. Soz not soz Haru.

Categories: Shinuki Study Sesh

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